Age And Pregnancy: Things You Need to Know

Not just as adults but even as children one thing we always looked forward to was having a child of our own. Having someone to call you ‘mama’ or ‘papa’, having someone to feed and cuddle and play with is something most of us wanted in life. So how can we make sure that this wish will be fulfilled?

The woman and her age

Well, one of the factors that has been associated with the ability to conceive a child has been the age of a woman. It is sad that the best years for a woman to have children would be the age between the late teens and late twenties.

After that, apparently the ability to conceive reduces for women and by the time a woman reaches the age 45, it further reduces and makes it extremely difficult to get pregnant. Even if you do get pregnant at 45 there could be many complications.

Reduction in fertility

The reduction in the fertility of females after 30 is considered to be the main reason for this difficulty. However, just because it is hard does not mean that it is impossible! One of the main steps towards a healthy pregnancy later on in life for females especially would be to first of all carry out a fertility test to see whether there are any chances.

Now you can even do these kinds of tests at home and do not necessarily need to have to go to hospitals to get a test done. Looking for the best fertility test for home will help you get the most accurate results.

The decision is yours

Depending on the result you can decide on what you need to do. Whether it is following a medical procedure, changing your lifestyle or even simply considering adoption, remember that it’s all up to you and your partner to decide what you want to do. Also,make sure you consult a professional or your family doctor during the initial phase of testing to get expert advice and guidance on the subject.

It’s the 21st century

Since medical science has advanced so much over the last few years, you may have a lot of other options as well. For example, surrogacy is considered to be a good option for couples who would want to have children and are unable to do so due to biological reasons.

It’s okay not to have a child too

While it is a matter of concern when considering getting pregnant later on in life especially for women, that does not mean that there are no chances at all. There are many such examples in our society who have shown that age is indeed a number. However, no matter what decision you will take, make sure you consult a professional before arriving at a conclusion and is informed about the situation.

Understanding the pros and cons will help you to make the best solution which you will not regret later on in life. Also, remember that it’s okay to not have a child too! After all, what matters most is your happiness either with or without a child.

Cadi Hopper
the authorCadi Hopper

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